Monday, February 16, 2015

Combat Winter Wardrobe

With Winter hitting us full force over here in the Northeast it is essential to keep warm, but the difficult part is staying stylish at the same time. Honestly, there have been times where I even had to decide between being warm and looking good and I picked looking good. Sometimes my clothes just give my that extra bit of confidence I need to get through the day. So instead of having to keep making the decision to freeze my butt off or keep warm and feel yucky I find five essential things that meet somewhere in the middle. I like to call them my combat winter wardrobe. They're winter accessories that add just enough charm and warmth to keep me happy!

The first essential piece of my combat winter wardrobe are my boot cuffs. Not only do they look adorable over all of my boots, but they keep my legs warm too. I normally switch back and forth between my boot cuffs and my leg warmers. I have a collection of different colors to complement whatever outfit or jacket I am wearing that day.

My wardrobe wouldn't be complete without my scarves. I have one for almost every design and texture. My all time favorite has to be my burgundy tribal scarf. Scarves are essential for me because they keep my neck, ears and sometimes nose and mouth warm. I wear my scarves a number of different ways and they always complement my outfits. Sometimes I'll take a little bit of extra time to match my scarf and my boot cuffs.

I cannot do without my winter boots and my toes thank me for that. I will admit that I am an ugg lover for both the appearance and the feel. Putting on a new ugg boot is probably the best feeling in the world. Although they don't have the best traction in the snow they cushion my feet and keep them warm. Its as if the cold outdoors can't reach my feet.

I love my black little peacoat. It allows me to look fashionable and classy while staying warm. For colder days I like to wear my longer coat because it keeps my legs warm. I chose black peacoats so my other accessories like my scarves and boot cuffs would stand out. Other good colors to get are neutral colors like beige, tan and chocolate brown.  

What are your combat winter wardrobe must haves? Is there anything else I should add to the list? Please share in the comments below! 

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