
I can't tell you exactly why I blog, I just do. I love to write and always have since I was in second grade; skipping recess to write out stories with my friends. As I got older my love for writing grew. It is a craft that I believe can never be completely mastered, but can blossom the more time and effort is put into it. I write to live out my dreams, escape reality and share a message. Other than writing, I love to read. Reading is what lead me to my happy place. I hope to pass on the magic of books to my son.

I am a young mother raising a spontaneous toddler who I adore. Life hasn't been easy, but it has been eventful. Each day I strive to help my son grow only in return to learn so much from him. My son has helped me grow as a young adult, and I will be forever grateful for that. You will find a lot of my blogging to have my son incorporated in it. He is a huge part of my life.

Besides my dreams and my motherhood I also tackle the roles of being a student. I am a Journalism Major with a minor in Public Relations. A lot of my blog posts you will find me touching on things every college student worries about: their future. I am an intern and a goal-setter. I tend to map out a five year plan no matter what way life throws me. If there is one thing I am good at it is being determined. The downfall is I tend to overwhelm myself as well as overbook myself. I am just hoping that one day it will all pay off. With success there is struggle. I am a firm believer in that if there is a will, there's a way.

It is nearly impossible for me to be able to completely describe myself to you. I am a complex person, but I like to think that is what makes me unique. I get lost in my own mind.  The people closest to me would tell you that I am caring, but as stubborn as a mule. My mother would tell you that I am sarcastic, and my father would tell you that I talk way too much -- especially about things I am passionate about. My grand mom would tell you that I am able to accomplish anything I set my mind to and my siblings would tell you that I am the weirdest person you will ever meet. My friends will say I am loyal and all over the place -- that I am the worst at making plans and keeping in touch, but they love me anyway. I like to think it's because they know no matter where life takes us if they ever need me I would find a way to be there. I'd like to think that once my son can speak he would tell you that I am loving and goofy. That I probably kiss him way too much and use tickling as punishment.

Overall, what you are going to see from this blog is me. Maybe you'll read it because you relate or maybe it is amusing to you. Either way I hope you enjoy my numerous rantings and various advice (It's my journalism side coming out.) Feel free to leave comments with your own thoughts on things. This blog is an open medium for however the internet takes it.

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